CLUE+ cordially invites you to the General Meeting:

When? MAY, 31ST , h. 14.00-17.00 (main part), 09.00-13.30 (grant writing workshops)
Where? Atrium Medical Faculty (main part), VU Main Building HG09A-29 (morning)
With: an opening speech by Jeroen Geurts, rector VU; a keynote lecture by Susan Legêne, dean Humanities; CLUE+ programme presentations; grant writing workshops for juniors and seniors, discussion sessions on Connected World, funding opportunities and Graduate School, free lunch and drinks.
The Stevin Centre is a part of the interdisciplinary Research Institute CLUE+ of the Vrije Universiteit and participates in one of the major research themes of CLUE+: ‘Knowledge in context’. CLUE+ is the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam interfaculty research institute for Culture, Cognition, History and Heritage. It promotes Humanities-inspired research of the most pressing societal challenges of today, from migration to multiculturalism and climate change. Many have benefited from it, through activity funds and seed money, Early Career funds or fellowships. Thanks to this, CLUE+ has successfully ended a first term with a very positive, international assessment. It is now time to define the aims and actions for the next five years.
You are welcome to contribute.
09.00-13:30: Morning session (VU Main building HG09A-29)
How to write a successful grant application? In collaboration with IXA-GO-VU (the VU grant office)
09.00-11.00: Workshop on Grant Writing for junior staff
11:30-13:30: Workshop on Grant Writing for senior staff
12.30-13.30: Lunch
Lunch in the VU mensa, on reservation
14.00-17.15: Afternoon session (Medical Faculty, Atrium)
14.00-14.10: Welcome by Jeroen Geurts (rector VU)
14.10-14.25: CLUE+ and Connected World; strategies and new funding opportunities by Gert-Jan Burgers (director CLUE+)
14.25-15.00: Presenting the CLUE+ programmes
- Inclusive Landscape Transformations by Linde Egberts and Niels van Manen
- Environmental and Health Humanities by Kristine Steenbergh and Erin la Cour
- Globalization, Capitalism, Colonialism by Pepijn Brandon and Babs Boter
- Knowledge in Context by Jeroen de Ridder and Ab Flipse
- Traces of the Transcendent by Bert-Jan Lietaert Peerbolte and Jessica Roitman
15.00-15.15: Break
15.15-16.00: Break out sessions
- Connected World, moderated by Gert-Jan Burgers (MF-A311)
- Academy assistants, dream teams and living labs: Preparing for new funding calls, moderated by Linde Egberts (MF-A420)
- PhD Community Building through CLUE+ and the Graduate School Humanities by Nelleke Moser (MF-G502)
16.00-16.20: Plenary (Atrium)
16.20-16.40: Break
16.40-17.15: keynote lecture on Pressing Matter, Archival Folds and (Epistemic) Violence – Reflections on the Question of Colonial Heritage in Museums, by Susan Legêne, NWA-Researchproject MT member
17.15-18.00: Project dating with drinks. Win a voucher to develop an interdisciplinary research collaboration.
Please register here.