Date: 26 April 2018
Time: 00:00 - 00:00
Location: VU Main Building, Agora 1

Stevin Seminar: Genes, Gender, Journals and Statistical Justification / Farewell Symposium Ida Stamhuis

All speakers at the symposium are historians who have worked closely with Ida on one of several projects or activities, ranging from gender in science, early genetics and the history of statistics to the Journal Centaurus and the Stevin Centre. They include Marscha Richmond (Wayne State University), Paul Klep (Radboud University), Raf de Bond (Maastricht University) and Karel Davids (Vrije Universiteit). As fina speaker Ida will give her farewell lecture: ‘Genes, Gender, Journals and Statistical Justification’

For questions you can contact Frans van Lunteren:


14:00 Raf de Bont (Maastricht University): “A Whole Multitude of Sins”: On Decolonization, Technocracy and Wildlife Cropping, 1955-1965

14:30 Paul Klep (Radboud University): Ida Stamhuis & the Dutch Statistical Mind

15:00 Karel Davids (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam): Ida and Simon. How the twain met

15:30 tea & coffee break

16:00 Marsha Richmond (Wayne State University): The Joys of Academic Collaboration

16:30 Ida Stamhuis (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam): Genes, Gender, Journals and Statistical Justification

After the lecture, there will be a reception on the Agora-floor.